Monday, January 5, 2015

Nothing Wasted

In Matthew 14:20 and John 6:12, two personal accounts are given for the miraculous feeding of the 5,000. Matthew’s account states, “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of BROKEN PIECES that were left over.” The account in John states Jesus’ response after everyone had enough to eat, which was, “Gather the pieces that are left over. LET NOTHING BE WASTED.”

As many times as I have read these accounts, I never particularly noticed the words, “Let nothing be wasted” until I heard this on my radio station, and how the Lord uses everything and wastes nothing, not even your mistakes, hurts or pain. If he cared enough to see to it that pieces of broken bread were picked up and saved, how much more will he see to it that every one of your hurts, mistakes or painful moments will be used for something good and not wasted? Wow!

I spent too many years hating the fact that I have had to suffer so much heartache growing up in an abusive home and then going to school, only to be bullied day in and day out. I wasted so much of my time growing up struggling just to survive and wishing I was dead. Then after a good four years while in college, I graduated only to marry a man whom I thought was a Christian but was actually a woman chaser, addict, liar, lazy and became verbally and physically abusive the last few years of our marriage. Then I ended up a single parent right after moving out of state. I was alone in a new city, and had no job, no friends and no money. How could so many things go so wrong when I tried so hard to always do the right thing and live the right way? What was the point in all of this? I became a Christian as a young child, re-dedicated my life to God at 16 and became sanctified at 29. Many times, however, it almost felt as if a curse had been placed on me on the day I was born. Throughout my childhood, teenage years and young adult life, there were times I thought I was just one big mistake (which thankfully I “outgrew” that thinking).

When I became a single mom, however, I had nobody to depend on totally but God. He was ALL I had! Although the last five years of my marriage I had grown very, very close to the Lord and experienced His presence in ways that most people don’t get to experience, I still had my husband to depend on to meet my financial and material needs. Only when my husband left did I fully experience what it truly means to fully have to rely on God for every single need. My relationship with the Lord sky-rocketed at the time I became a single mom.

Today, I can say with confidence that none of those experiences have been wasted! I am so very thankful that God has taken ALL of my broken pieces of abuse, rejection, hurt, etc. and used them to shape the person I am today; strong, confident, mature and more trusting in the Lord for every good thing. I am also a very thankful person who relies on the Lord every single day for every single need in my life. God has so graciously brought broken, hurting people into my life over the past three years who have really needed someone to relate to as they were facing broken, hurting seasons in their lives and felt like nobody cared.

I also started speaking to church groups, at ladies conferences, Celebrate Recovery and Teen Challenge, encouraging others as I share how God has taken my broken pieces and put them together again. I am able to inspire them by my story of how God alone can take their broken pieces too and use them to help others as He has used mine.

It has been very exciting to watch God pick up the broken pieces of my abusive past and use them to glorify His name and help bring hope to others who are broken! I can relate to these people in a way that most people cannot. I can also reach those people who many people would not even give the time of day to, such as the homeless, the tattoo-covered, loner, addict, outcast, etc. I know that it is only by God’s grace that I did not go down the road of using drugs, alcohol or worse to numb all the pain I felt from what I have survived. Life is hard, but still good.

I feel honored that the Lord is using me to reach out to the very same type of people He reached out to when He walked on earth! He has given me the experience and tools to use as well as a big heart for those who are often overlooked by many others. My heart hurts for those who feel alone, abandoned, abused, forgotten or like misfits in our society; the underdog, so to speak, and I am so thankful! J

“Struck Down, But Not Destroyed,” Author Marie Rose. Available on in paperback and Kindle.


  1. Thank you for sharing that Marie. We all have our rock bottom, don't we? It's usually when we have nowhere else to turn, that we go to God and always when we have nothing left, that we surrender ourselves fully to Him. Like the prodigal son, who ended up knee-deep in pig-sh*t, dressed in rags, penniless, etc. before he 'woke up to himself' Luke 15:17. Contrary to popular belief, God is not in the business of building churches and raising revenue, but is in the business of building character. The hard knocks we go through, is His way of chiseling away at our pride, resentment, unforgiveness, etc. and also, without experiencing at least a little sadness, how could we know compassion. I pray that the Lord will fill you and your family's life with abounding joy, abiding peace and His deepest love. Bless you!

    1. You are welcome! Thanks for reading it and I am glad you were blessed by it! Maybe I came across wrong, but I was not a prodigal which resulted in things going terrible for me. I have just had a very difficult life and without my relationship with the Lord, I literally would not have survived! I was saved as a young child, rededicated my life at 16 and sanctified at 29 (I am now 45). I have always had strong faith and believe that God gave me that gift to be able to survive what I have been through. I was referring more to 2013 above, which was my hardest year ever. Not because I walked away or I made poor choices; quite the contrary. I went through a severe testing of my faith, the biggest spiritual battles I have ever experienced and great financial hardship, emotional and physical problems, some of which were caused by the great spiritual battle I faced. I believe it was to take me to a new level of faith, as God allowed Job to be tested to take him to a new level of faith. I believe there is a miracle on the horizon and that God is going to do something huge and wonderful in my life and the past two years was in preparation for it in some way.

      You are absolutely right about knowing compassion as a result of our sadness! With all of the childhood abuse I went through, being bullied in school, a bad marriage and divorce, I have learned how to be very compassionate to many people in all different situations because I have faced a lot of hardship in many different areas. I am thankful because many people just don't care about others anymore and there are people who are "the least of these" who nobody even cares about that I can minister to as a result of the hurt I have been through.
      Thank you for your prayers! I already have (and have had ever since I was 29) abounding joy and abiding peace that only the Lord can give. However, it is very hard for someone like me to feel loved, even by God and I do struggle believing that often. So, I would love for you to pray that I would clearly see God's love for me personally and that I am loveable by others too. I am a strong person but very tender hearted and compassionate, but have faced rejection over and over. We all have one area at least that we struggle believing, and this is my area. Thank you! :)
